You’re Face Makes My Day

Skype Dates

Skype is my favorite invention ever.

This is the time for world travel and Global connectivity.  There’s never been a better time in history for keeping in touch with each other.  I LOVE coming back to my dorm and logging into Skype or opening up my FaceTime app to see the faces of the friends and family that I miss so so so much.  I want nothing more than to share this journey with you and feel like you’re right there even though we’re 4,000 miles apart.

I’ve had multiple Skype dates with all you guys since day one. Now that I’m in a land of strangers, it means THE WORLD to me to see your faces. Faces of people I know and love and just recently hung out with and talked to and went to class with, danced with, ate with, hugged…[gasp] I just realized I haven’t hugged a single soul since I’ve been here. Everyone I meet is a perfect stranger. Ahhh that’s gotta change. The Texas in me is fighting the urge to strike up a conversation with a stranger on the Tube or in the queue (in line) at Tesco (a grocer).


Yeah, being able to connect with everyone from home makes me happier and brings me more joy than you can ever imagine. You may think you’re just snapchatting me an arbitrary photo of you chillin’ in your room, but to me you’re making me instantly at ease with a sight of something familiar and deeply loved. You’re making my day.

To see that you guys are just as interested in hearing about my experience here as I am telling you about it is an indescribable feeling!  I want so badly to share this with you and give you my perspective of this massive metropolitan city. Every time we talk you give me a confidence boost, to know that you guys are rooting for me and praying for me.  I want to make you proud and of course I want to give you the opportunity to live vicariously through me 😀

If you haven’t Skyped me, hit me up! I wanna see you!

Alright that’s enough of the mushy stuff. I’m feeling peckish (hungry) Time for dinner #omnom.

Creative Commons License
It’s The Simple Things by Bria Woods is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


  1. Mama Bear · January 14, 2015

    I truly enjoyed reading this blog HB!!! You’re super awesome!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Richard Ramos · January 17, 2015

    BRI-YAHHH!! I COUGH COUGH (lov/) you COUGJ COUGH ow that hurt haha How was the Tower Of London

    Liked by 1 person

    • briawoods · January 18, 2015

      Hahaha! Im proud of you. Was that so bad?! It was essential and breathtaking. So much history per every square inch. 🇬🇧


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